Terminal with direct connection, telnet client and terminal connected via modem are some of the forms of the network terminals shown to the hosts supporting the dial-in modems or telnet protocols, which is basically the action of NetTerm. Its Emulation Support includes EmVT-100, VT-220, VT-102, VT-52, VT- 320, ANSI-BBS, ANSI, SCOANSI, IBM-3101, IBM-3161, IBM-3151, IBM-3163, QNX-2, FTTERM, Wyse-60, Wyse-50, XTERM, Nixdorf BA-80 and Televideo 925 terminals.
During the connection phase, exchanging the messages sequentially with the host determines the authentication method and SRP, Microsoft NTML and password authentication system that are supported by NetTerm. The zmodem file transfer protocol can be used for transferring files. The sizing of screens at all times can be done using UNIX and NAWS resize commands. On the user’s local workstation NetTerm can be employed for editing a text host file. Zmodem is useful for uploading and downloading the files by se script and on the basis of file extension workstation program will be started.
Mouse text selection along with block text and multiple page selection methods supported by Microsoft Windows can be used for selecting the desired texts.
NetTerm supports Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, English languages and many more, but for its usage by third party products Chinese languages are needed.
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